Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This Is A Thought, This Is Not A Thought...

Poetry is made up of words > Poetry is just a word > Words are just 'made up' > they don't exist > therefore nothing I write exists.  

If it does exist, it can describe beauty, love, lust, hate, friendship, discontentment, tragedy, humility, humour; life. It is a record of life, and everything it comprises, for mind's eye visualization, from vocabulary.

Art is just three letters.


Anger                          Angst                      Adoration                Aim          
Regret                         Revere                    Reason                     Righteousness 
Temptation                Time                       Tragedy                    Tact

Three little letters, one word; though it encompasses millions of ideas.

I may not write perfectly structured verse with perfect metric rhythm, or the right amount of syllables on each line- but I like that, because I don't subscribe to rules and the conventional. It's meant to be my way of venting, so why do it any other way? If words are made up then so too, grammar can be.
Writing is a solitary pleasure, it's used to escape and bring things into perspective, to vent, and to bring the otherwise ignored to life. Writing is true freedom. The pen is truly mightier than the sword.
Our free-will played a bigger part in our past than is possible now. As long as we have the power of free-will any oppression, in any form, will create problems.
Sometimes the world you see in your mind is alot more coherent and pleasure-full than the one you wake up to. You can objectively and subjectively observe human nature and report it in the way you see fit. 
I write how I want to write, otherwise it would not be mine.

My physical being is here, sitting in this chair, typing this proclamation, but my heart and my soul and my mind are on this page in letters, words, some sort of structure, ordered and unordered from somewhere in my subconscious. I am facing you, looking into your eyes and you don't even know it. You are absorbing part of me into your being, and if there's something indelible to you here, you will carry me with you for the rest of your natural life. That's part of the beauty.


  1. I really enjoyed that last bit. Brilliant.

  2. thanks alot :)
    who are you anonymous? haha

  3. Fantastic!! If more people would only have the guts to believe in thenselves like this and be who they are intead of what society expects them to be. What an interesting concept life would be.

