Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Death, Not The End; Beginning, Marriage To Infinity...

The veil will be lifted, God will kiss you, and you will understand everythingYou will denounce time, as it is purely a materialisation of man's persistence to try and control, and organise, something he cannot accept is bigger than himself. It will be revealed that your life is slow motion in a never ending moment that pre-existed, and will continue to exist. You will realise that only one true ego exists, for you and your brother, sister, friend, acquaintance and stranger, are all the same soul, made of the stars, and share the one higher consciousness in this life, and once ego has perished there will be no other death to come.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1RQmnSJoRg This man was great...

    We're afraid to die. We're so afraid of death that we collect more and more property. And we fall in love in that, we want to have more and more. We want to be rich, control, rule. God won't kiss you, if you're lost in fear.
    You will fall back to spear and make wars and suffer here again.
    For me the goal of life is to gain knowledge, evolve through pain and become aware of something above and below. And death is the doorway to some higher forms. Or to freedom.
